Sign up

It’s super simple to sign up for y2z and it takes only a few minutes. Just fill out the form below choosing your username, a valid email address and pick what category your site is: e.g. business or personal. Then all you need to do is hit register.

We will send you an activation email to the email address register. It can take up to 10 minutes for an email to arrive but normally it much quicker than that. Remember to check your spam folder too. If you still don’t receive anything you have the option to resend activation email. Please make sure your email was entered correctly.


Please fill out the form below


You may not find the email confirmation, so please check your Spam inbox.

To use your own domain

If you want to use your own domain name from a third party (this could be a free or premium domain), please remember you will need to set the domain nameservers to ours. These are as follows:

To change nameservers you will need to go to your domain setting on whatever third party site you got the domain from.


Need to know more?

We hope you can find all your looking for here on If you haven’t already you can check out any of the links to the left to see more about our services and the technology we use. You can also view our term of services, privacy policy and peek at the Why Us? section. Alternatively, just scroll back up to the top to check out our packages and to sign up. If you feel like keeping updated you can always like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter or join us on Snipesocial, just click on one of the icons to the left.