Domain Name

Domain name registration

If you’d like to purchase and see if a preferred domain name is available, simply type the desired domain into the search box below and the tick the appropriate TLD you are looking for.  Once you have selected all the desired tick boxes click “LookUp” and you will be taken to your results.

Don’t know what TLD is don’t worry it simply stands for Top-level domain and refers to the last segment of a domain name, or the part that follows immediately after the "dot" symbol. If you look at the list of TLD’s below it will all make sense.

If you need to buy bulk domains or wish to transfer bulk domain names click the links above where you will be redirected.


Simple Domain Search | Bulk Domain Search | Bulk Domain Transfer

Enter the domain and tld you wish to use in the boxes below and click Lookup to see whether the domain is available for purchase.

.info .biz .org .com .net .mobi .cc .bz
.us .name .in .co .es .ru .ca

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